Worlds Unite
Worlds Unite — сюжетная арка, состоящая из двенадцати частей (тринадцати вместе с 0 частью) и связывающая четыре серии комиксов — Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Universe, Sonic Boom и Mega Man. Является продолжением кроссовера Sonic & Mega Man: When Worlds Collide.
Самой первой предпосылкой, хоть и неочевидной, являлась офф-панель из 252 выпуска Sonic the Hedgehog, где Соник был бы не прочь остаться в мире Мега Мэна для другого кроссовера.
Начиная с концовки 43 выпуска Mega Man читателям при помощи реплик Ксандера Пейна явно дали понять: миры вновь столкнутся. Также в 42 выпуске было подтверждено, что события Worlds Collide до сих пор существуют в другой временной линии.
7 октября, за неделю до Комик-Кона в Нью-Йорке в различных СМИ появился официальный анонс.
« | "When the worlds of Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man collided in the pages of Archie Action comics, readers, fans and retailers made it the biggest crossover event in Archie Action history," he said in a prepared statement. "That historic crossover storyline changed the comic book worlds of Sega and Capcom's iconic video game characters forever, but now an even bigger event is on the horizon. You saw what happened when worlds collided, now see what happens when Words Unite! And this time, no universe will be safe..." | » |
— Пол Камински |
12 декабря было подтверждено, что помимо миров Соника и Мега Мэна в кроссовере будут участвовать и Стикс из серии Sonic Boom и Мега Мэн Х.
Промо других миров
Начиная с 23 февраля IGN начали публиковать новое промо, постепенно раскрывающее другие миры, которые появятся в кроссовере, а также комментарии Яна Флинна и Пола Камински.
День 1
Оригинальный арт, демонстрирующий Соника, Стикс, Мега Мэна и Мега Мэна Х.
« | Kaminski: "Worlds Unite once again brings together the worlds of Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man, but the other two major franchise players in this story come from the wacky world of Sonic Boom and the futuristic battle-torn world of Mega Man X! Last year saw both the comic series launch of Sonic Boom, as well as the major Mega Man comic storyline 'Dawn of X', and these DRASTICALLY different worlds add a combo of comedy and action to 'Worlds Unite' with explosive results! But the biggest addition of all comes in the form of the villainous SIGMA from the world of Mega Man X, who will play a key role in testing both the resolve and might of our heroes!"
Flynn: "We already had Sonic and Mega Man square off in "Worlds Collide" and proved how equally heroic, powerful and blue they are. This time around, we don't need to spend the time establishing them. We can dive right into the heroics - or villainy, in the cast of Act One! I'm really excited we get to dive deeper into MEGA MAN X after dabbling in it earlier. It's loads of fun pairing X's stoic earnestness with Sticks's goofy conspiratorial nature. Just between these four, we've got a huge range of tones and character that are fun to play off each other." |
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День 2
- Алекс Кидд (серия Alex Kidd)
- Билли Хэтчер (Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg)
- Нина (Breath of Fire 3)
- Вьютифул Джо (Viewtiful Joe)
« | Kaminski: "With the formation of the reality-traversing "Genesis Portals", our heroes will be taken to new worlds from throughout the Sega and Capcom universes to do battle with Sigma's forces of evil! From the high-fantasy worlds of Alex Kidd and Breath of Fire, to the mischievous and over-the-top adventures of Billy Hatcher and Viewtiful Joe, Sonic, Mega Man and co will explore places never before seen in Archie Action comics!"
Flynn: "On the SEGA side of things, we've got the original company mascot in Alex Kidd. When we were putting together the list of franchises to feature, I knew he had to be on the top. Sonic maybe synonymous with SEGA now, but it's only because Alex paved the way for him. And on the other end of the spectrum is Billy Hatcher, the lively and original platforming hero that was the last major new IP for SEGA - at least in the realm of platform heroes like Sonic and Alex. On the Capcom side, we've got the entire party from Breath of Fire 3, arguably the best of the franchise. (I leave the fans to debate how correct/heretical I am). And Viewtiful Joe is as wild and colorful as any franchise out there, which makes it a perfect fit for this cross-world adventure!" |
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День 3
- Найтс (серия NiGHTS)
- Тайрис Флэер (Golden Axe)
- Рэд Арремер (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
- Аматерасу (Okami)
« | Kaminski: "The Worlds Unite crossover event brings with it adventure and action from across the entire video game landscape! From iconic franchises like NiGHTS into Dreams and Ghosts 'n Goblins, to the visually-striking worlds of Okami and Golden Axe — you're not going to see another combo this anywhere else!"
Flynn: "On the one hand we've got two iconic franchises on opposite ends of the timeline. Golden Axe was one of the first major SEGA hits and is a classic for its arcade-y action and crazy visuals. NiGHTS into Dreams is comparatively newer, even more psychedelic, and stands out as one of the premier titles of the SEGA Saturn era. On the other hand we've got a Capcom classic and a newer masterpiece. Ghosts 'n Goblins is one of those games that set the bar for all others to reach for in terms of quality and gameplay. Frustrating, hair-tearing gameplay - but we love it for its difficulty. And then you have Okami that transcends gaming and becomes 'art' in its own right." |
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День 4
Открыты последние 4 персонажа:
- Вайз (Skies of Arcadia)
- Бейз Винг (серия Panzer Dragoon)
- Рю (серия Street Fighter)
- Monster Hunter
« | Kaminski: "There have been some crazy awesome franchises joining the Worlds Unite fray up until now, but you know we had to save some EPIC franchises for last! The high adventure and swash-buckling action of Skies of Arcadia stands alongside the ultra-popular and eye-grabbing world of Monster Hunter! The cool creatures and epic scale of Panzer Dragoon joins Ryu, Chun-Li and all your favorite characters of the action-packed world of Street Fighter! Do not miss a second of the biggest crossover event EVER to hit Archie Action Comics!"
Flynn: "Skies of Arcadia is one of my favorite games! It has action, adventure, humor, dire world-spanning stakes, and a cast of utterly endearing pirates. I was delighted to have a chance to have Vyse show up in our Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed story, and I'm even more thrilled to feature the whole crew this time around. They don't overshadowed, of course, the most awesome flying rail shooter to grace the consoles - Panzer Dragoon. And what really needs to be said about Street Fighter and Monster Hunter? One is practically the foundation for all modern fighting games and lives on with Street Fighter V on the way. And the other pits you against massive beasts as training fodder so you can maybe survive long enough to hunt down awe-inspiring boss monsters. New and old, continuing or cherished, they're all legendary games that we want more of!" |
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Дата выхода
Акт 1: Deadly Fusion (Смертельное Слияние)
- Worlds Unite: Часть 1 (Сквозь пространство и время) — Sonic Universe #76
- Worlds Unite: Часть 2 (Разбитые герои) — Sonic Boom #8
- Worlds Unite: Часть 3 — Sonic the Hedgehog #273
- Worlds Unite: Часть 4 — Mega Man #50
Акт 2
- Worlds Unite: Часть 5 — Sonic Universe #77
- Worlds Unite: Часть 6 — Sonic Boom #9
- Worlds Unite: Часть 7 — Sonic the Hedgehog #274
- Worlds Unite: Часть 8 — Mega Man #50
Акт 3
- Worlds Unite: Часть 9 — Sonic Universe #78
- Worlds Unite: Часть 10 — Sonic Boom #10
- Worlds Unite: Часть 11 — Sonic the Hedgehog #275
- Worlds Unite: Часть 12 — Mega Man #52