Sonic the Hedgehog 4
- Для игр с похожим названием, смотрите Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (значения).
Шаблон:Bob Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - новая игра про Соника в эпизодическом стиле. Выход первого эпизода запланирован на осень 2010 (смотрите секцию "Утечки и задержка"). Оригинальным кодовым названием было Project Needlemouse, из-за Mr. Needlemouse, имени, данному раннему прототипу Соника.
Игра впервые была объявлена 9 сентября 2009 на сайте GameSpot, будет двухмерной и ее можно загрузить из Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, WiiWare, а также для Apple iPhone и iPod Touch. Является прямым сиквелом Sonic & Knuckles, и события игры будут происходить после событий этой игры. Игра будет выпускаться в виде эпизодов, сюжет будет объединять события эпизодов. Контролирует процесс разработки Takashi Iizuka, левел-дизайнер Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Jun Senoue является звукорежиссером.
22 марта, NGamer сообщило что игра будет содержать 3 эпизода, в каждом из которых по 4 зоны. Каждая зона содержит 4 акта, последний акт является битвой с боссом, в роли которого выступает старый враг Соника, др. Эггман.
Игра попытается передать ощущения 16-битной эры игр про Соника такими элементами, как основанная на энерции физике и классическими бадниками. Каждая зона будет содержать 3 акта, с геймплеем, похожим на Sonic 1, а также акт с боссом. Остальные детали будут раскрыты позже.
Также был выложен тизер (информация). Однако видео не включало в себя показ геймплея, в нем было показано как Соник бежит, собирая кольца, и слова "Speed returns in an all new 2D adventure built from the ground up." Оно включало также звуковые эффекты из ранних игр про Соника. Также в нем был контур логитипа в стиле Sonic 1 кольца, ленты и звезд, на котором были скрыты такие детали, как настоящее название игры и основной персонаж (им позже оказался Соник). Форма логотипа сильно похожа на логотип Sonic 1
Hedgehog Week
Hedgehog Week начался с Hedgehog Day (Groundhog Day в США). Причина выбора этого дня в том, в тот день вышел Sonic 3. Первые вещи, раскрытые на Hedgehog Day, были, как и обещано, 2 концепт-арта: пальма и подсолнух, оба в стиле Sonic 1. Бонусом оказался небольшой музыкальный клип из новой игры, сопровождаемый баннером "Happy Hedgehog Day" на официальном сайте Сеги.
This particular blog post was also where the prizes would be decided by post numbers. The big prize was a copy of Sonic 3 that was signed by one of its original developers, Takashi Iizuka, with post #333. Other prizes included "a Sonic & Metal Sonic Wall Scroll (Featuring classic Sonic – who has black eyes), a brand new Sonic the Hedgehog Clock, a Sonic Towel and more!" Most winners were in 50 post increments. (50,100,150,etc)
Сега сказала что музыка не является большим сюрпризором, и сказала что больной сюрприз быдет раскрыт в четверг, 4 февраля 2010
- Needlemouse sunflower.jpg
First zone sunflower concept art
- Needlemouse palmtree.jpg
First zone palmtree concept art
Official unveiling
On February 4, 2010 at midnight PST, the official title of Project Needlemouse, Sonic the Hedgehog 4, was revealed on the Gamespot website. It was accompanied by an interview with Sega's Ken Balough and a trailer containing a few seconds of gameplay footage.
Leaking and delay
In February, a build of Episode 1 was submitted to Xbox Live Arcade's PartnerNET service, where developers are given access to upcoming downloadable titles for testing purposes. Soon after, screenshots, music and progressively more gameplay footage were leaked to the Internet. Eventually a playthrough of the entire game had been leaked, and Sonic Retro, who had already banned leaked material when more than they approved of had been released, responded by banning Sonic 4 discussion for several days. As well as this, PartnerNET shut down for a night. Other websites also made efforts to crack down on leaks, such as banning posting of leaked content. The build was controversial, due to it containing "floaty" physics speculated to be due to its using the Sonic Rush engine, poor animations, and criticized level design such as gimmick-based Acts that were disliked by most fans.
On May 20, 2010, SEGA announced that, due to fan input, the game would be delayed until later in 2010, in order to extend the development of the game. They have stated in game magazines and on GameSpot's On The Spot that this was specifically done to allow various fan requests (since the game was leaked) to be implemented, including more momentum-based level designs and improved physics closer to the Mega Drive titles.
Releases for the iPhone and iPod Touch were also announced, finally ending speculation of the 4th unknown platform, although it was leaked months before when images were found in the website's source code. It was also revealed that the iPhone platform will receive two extra levels, which will most likely be the Mine Cart and Pinball gimmicks in Lost Labyrinth Zone Act 2 and Casino Street Zone Act 2, which were heavily criticized in the leaked gameplay footage. This is thought to have been done because such levels fit the iPhone controls more. Fans have speculated (and many hope) that the console versions will receive new non-gimmick levels to replace them.
A video on YouTube from E3 dated June 11 has led some fans to believe that physics changes have already been made to the game, although Sega staff have stated that the build at E3 was not the most recent one.
Birthday Contest
In June, SEGA announced a contest to celebrate Sonic's 19th anniversary where people would create videos with the winner going to Tokyo to see the finished version of Episode 1. Running only in the United States and United Kingdom, 10 videos from each country were put up for voting, two UK entries included Sonic Stadium staff members Dreadknux and T-Bird. The voting system was intended to allow one vote per day, however people found workarounds to allow multiple voting by clearing their browser's cookies and cache due to poor site coding. On July 16th, SEGA suspended the voting. On August 2nd, the winners were chosen by input of SEGA staff and Sonic Team.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 has been criticised due to the design and content of the game. Some people believe that it is not a true sequel to the classic games, due to Episode I's content being largely based on that of previous games with minor changes, and level design that features speed boosters in every level (a staple of Dimps' level design with their previous Sonic games) and object placement that forces the use of the Homing Attack. The latter is a move that some fans do not feel belongs in a 2D game, particularly not one based on the classics and set before its debut in Sonic Adventure. The music has also been criticised, due to it featuring low-quality synths and drum samples (the latter from Sonic 2, not the more advanced ones from Sonic 3) that vary little between songs.
A highly controversal item is Sonic's design, which is the modern style model that debuted in Sonic Adventure and has since received refinements until its most recent state in Sonic Unleashed. Many fans believe that the classic Sonic design should have been used, and a petition was set up for SEGA to include the different version. However, in a magazine Takashi Iizuka said that the classic style wasn't returning, as all games since Sonic Adventure have featured Sonic in his modern design.